Thursday, March 24, 2011

Decision Time... What to do ?!

Today is my first day of using this blog site and I'm finding it quite interesting. Its making me more and more excited about my trip next to next Spring. Decision deadlines are rapidly approaching. In the coming weeks, I will have to have decided which city and program I will be venturing to this time next year. Currently, I am attempting to decide between Toledo and Cacares. I've met people whove studied in both cities and heard amazing things.From what they tell me Cacares is a more traditional city that in which I will be thoroughly immersed in the Spanish culture from beginning to end while Toledo is more of a hub for long term tourists that will still provide me with a small taste of home. Both cities have its benefits but I must say Cacares, while amazingly beautiful also seems incredibly intimidating. At least in Toledo, my spanish won't have to be perfect and I'll be likely to meet others from my country and other parts of Europe. I can't seem to decide which is somewhat stressful considering as I mentioned before, the time for a decision is almost hear. As with any decision of this nature, I'll continue to talk it over with my family, friends and advisor and hopefully I'll be able to figure something out soon.

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