Saturday, January 28, 2012

Soo everyone's been getting on me about not posting yesterday. Not that I don't love you guys but let me go ahead and make the announcement that I will not be posting every day so for those of you expecting it.... lo siento (i'm sorry) lol But I am posting today simply because I have quite a bit to talk about. Well for starters both my current roommate and I found flats (apartments) to live in so i'm soo excitedd ! The run anywhere from 150 to 220 euros a month which even with the ridiculous exchange rate is still very different from the U.S in which you're likely to pay anywhere from 500 dollars up for a place... but  I digress lol But anywho starting sometime next week I will have a permanent address for those of you who've been inquiring about that as well. I'm soo glad our search is over because I must say that it was about six levels of stressful but anyway today was wonderful. I made a new friend named Nurdia but unfortunately shes just passing through the city. Shes not from Toledo but she is from Spain and shes so sweet and has already taught me so much. I feel my spanish as well as my world outlook improving every day. I'm so tired; Rayna and I have been walking around the city literally since noon and its currently a quarter til midnight but the city is soo beautiful so I definitely don't mind of course my gluts appreciate the workout. Classes start Monday so now that I have a permanent residence, getting ready for that has taken first place on my list of things to do. I also realized that I need to budget. It is so easyy to spend money here on anything and everything especially in the area that I'm currently staying in simply because its an area in which the target demographic are tourists. But I think i've done pretty well in my quest to avoid purchasing miscellaneous items. But as I'm sure I've stated before I do plan on doing some serious shopping while i'm here so in order to do that I have to start saving. Everything except housing is more expensive here but the food is worth. To me from now on, Spain will be known as the country of desserts. They have the best desserts in the worlddd and to be honest I have never been one to have a serious sweet tooth so I am quite surprised that I am enjoying them as much as I am. They have this stuff called "pan dulce" and I'm pretty sure I've had some every day i've been here. Absolutely Delicious ! But even though there are a million and one things to love about this country and I have been incredibly busy spending most of my days discovering them, I've still had time to miss my friends and family. My parents, my sister, my cousin, my  boyfriend, my best friends, my church family... they all make the list. I think about you guys every day and I'm elated that I have this so that I can share my experiences with you all even before I get back. Well it seems that I've written more than I planned to this evening so i'll probably wrap this up soon. Even with that said I feel like there are a couple things that I have to share with you all and I think the easiest way to do so is in list for so I'm going to close this post with the "Top 5 Things I've Observed About Spain Thus Far". So.... here goes (and do note that this list is in no particular order) !

1. There are no speed limits here but there are veryyyy few accidents ! People here can drive their butts off. (I think this is because the streets are so narrow that you have to be a pretty good driver to get anywhere in the city without wrecking your car)
2. There are also no dryers here lol (Spain is a very eco- friendly country, so there are no dryers and very few dishwashers- to dry your clothes you put them out on the line just like our grandparents did. This is also the reason for their motion-sensor light switches)
3. McDonalds has chicken wings ! and they are good. Like I mean really good... like my mommy made them good (pictures to come)
*but don't ask for sauce cuz they don't offer a lot of that here lol so yes ! that means no ranch, no hot sauce etc
4. There are two giant escalators at the sides of the city to get from Old Town to New Town (The city of Toledo sits on top of a big hill so to get from the base of the hill where new town is to the top where old town is, one must ride a giant escalator up the side of the hill)
5. Most all the taxis are hybrids and they're really nice cars like mercedes' and such (see number 2 for explanation)

There are obviously a lot more but that's all I can think of at the moment but I thought some of you would find it amusing. I think that's about it for today, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time !

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