Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm Here !

I'm finally here. I tell ya it took long enough though ! My flight from ATL to Madrid was 9 hrs ! We left around 7 pm (NC time) and arrived around 4 am (NC time) but here it was 10 am. But it was all made worth when I got to watch the sun rise over Spain from above the clouds. I was beyond ready to go to bed but everyone else was just beginning their day. The airport in Madrid wasn't too much different than our airports at home. However I was quite surprised by the cold wind that smacked me in the face the second we stepped out of the building. We were so fortunate that another student studying abroad had family in Madrid. They were so incredibly helpful. They led us to the right bus and from there we went to the train station; caught the train to Toledo and ultimately a cab to our hostel. I'm glad its over now. It's definitely time to get some rest. But before I go I had to let you guys in on my first impressions of Spain. It's suchhh a beautiful place. Everything seemed so neat in clean. I mean everything !... from the hybrid cabs to the buses and trains not to mention the city itself. Even the graffiti on the walls of Madrid look like they were commissioned by the city government lol And oh my goshh the peoplee ! To be honest they don't look any different than Americans, quite frankly I couldn't distinguish the two until they opened their mouths to speak. But more importantly, their style and fashion sense ! It's likee a runway heree. Just about everyone looked absolutely fabulous. 80% of the women were wearing shoes that I would've paid to take off their hands myself. I got so excited ! And don't even get me started on their outfits. I can't wait to go shopping. : D I can tell already this is gonna be a great 6 monthss.

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