Thursday, January 26, 2012

Well I hadn't planned on posting anything today but I wasn't doing anything so I thought I would. The weather was absolutely gorgeous this afternoon. It was a pretty typical day. My roommate and I woke up and went straight to our university and met with our exchange coordinator. The people in the office were so helpful in instructing us regarding registration and the first couple weeks of classes and things like that. They even arranged a couple appointments so that we could go look at flats to stay in during our time here. That was one thing I wasn't too excited about concerning this trip though, Not having a permanent residence when you arrive but I guess walking around aimlessly throughout the city for 5 hours is part of the international student experience lol I didn't mind though.. it was a pretty day and anyone who knows me knows im more than grateful to have the exercise. A lot of people have been asking me about how i'm adjusting to the time difference but to be honest I haven't too much felt it. I mean yesterday I was exhausted but that was simply from jet lag and being up for 24 hours straight lol But so far i'm really enjoying myself. I'm sure I will do so more when I find a flat with internet ! I was told that most flats in the old city (the part of toledo that my school is actually located in) don't have internet but im just gonna have to find a way around that. Other than that everything is wonderful. The food is great. Some of the drinks taste different but thats to be expected. I will say this though; Spain does not offer a lot of sauce. I feel like at home in America we have a sauce for everything; ranch, bbq sauce, honey mustard, sweet and sour etc yeaa... not so much here. You ask for sauce-- you get ketchup and thats it lol I've taken some pictures that I would love for you guys to see but I don't really have access to my camera chord at the moment but I promise theyll be up soon. I guess that's pretty much it for now. If you guys have certain things that you want to know about just let me know and i'll be sure to answer to the best of my ability from my experiences up to this point ! Thanks for reading : )


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm gonna send you some blue cheese dressing in the mail.
    Love Dad

  3. Better yet, we will send you your favorite (Ranch Dressing) lol! Of course it probably want go with the food there. That is the beauty of learning about other cultures. The food is so different. Can't wait until you find a flat so you can get settled and then you will truly be able to explore the city. Love you! Looking forward to your next post :-)
