Saturday, August 25, 2012

I've been home from Spain three months now and I feel like life for me since I landed has truly been a whirlwind. I landed on a Thursday and went in for a job interview Monday, of which I was blessed enough to receive on the spot. Coming home from Spain, in my mind I had become so committed to finding happiness and fulfilling my dreams, everything else became seemingly irrelevant. I've worked all summer, I moved into a new apartment here in the area and my life began this dramatic transition. I referenced in an earlier post the inevitable moment when you realize that you're no longer a child. I feel that that moment came for me today and with it came a significant degree of introspection... which I should add is what inspired this afternoons post.
Over the past few days, I'd being hearing this flapping airy sound in my car when I drive so of course, one of my priorities became to figure out what the noise was then have it addressed. Later I discovered even doing that had become difficult. After an initial unsuccessful trip to the car dealership I had to take it to another but in order to do so, I also had to find a time within my schedule in which I was able to do that. Now I suppose that doesn't sound like a lot, but for a college student with an ever-increasing workload both academically and professionally, that actually proved to be quite the challenge. Long story short, today I was able to get my car fixed. The price you might ask....? Oh, just a minuscule 900 dollars. Now obviously to some people, that doesn't seem like a big deal... "just the price of having a car" one might say and quite frankly the money wasn't the issue but the fact that I had my first real conversation about finances with my father, the both financial and figurative head of our household; it made an impact. We came to an agreement about how to proceed in addressing the issue and on the smallest of levels, I felt like an equal. On the one hand, I still felt like his baby girl who he'd give the world for and to. But on the other, I felt like a grown woman speaking to a man about the financial realities that you incur as an adult. And for a  moment I had to stop. I began to think about all the things of my childhood of which I could never get back. Things that no one else would ever understand. The house in Charlotte that I grew up in, the relationship that I had with my grandmother that I would everything I've ever owned to get back, my mom's health etc. And it began to sadden me. So many people my age  have their priorities so screwed up. I scroll down my twitter timeline every day only to see misguided females, a males who fail to see that their current aspirations will eventually amount to nothing. And truth be told, the worst of it all is looking at people that you once knew and seeing that theres a large possibility that they are quite ignorant to it all. Well unfortunately I've been interrupted and lost my train of thought so hopefully ill be able to resume this later.
be blessed.